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In Pooler, I bought 9 blue crabs with 8 USD, it’s similar price compare to HK, but the crab roe here are much more than HK one, I have used some to make Ginger and Scallion Fried Crab and I use the rest to make Steam Crab Rice, it won’t waste the crab roe. 


材料 Ingredients 


藍蟹 Blue crab              4

Rice                              2/Cup

薑片 Sliced Ginger         4/slice

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醃料 Seasoning

蒜容 Minced Garlic                          2茶匙/tbsp.

Salt                                               1茶匙/tbsp.

紹興酒 Shaohsing rice wine      1茶匙/tbsp.

Sugar                                            1/2茶匙/tbsp.


做法 Method 

1)      先把蟹洗淨, 斬件, 千萬不要把蟹膏沖走, 然後用醃料把蟹醃20分鐘

Rinse and drain the blue crabs and cut it into pieces, remember don’t remove the crab roe, season crabs with the seasoning for 20 mins

2)      把米沖洗乾淨, 先放入電飯鍋

Rinse the rise and put it into rice cooker

3)      把蟹件放入電飯鍋, 記得蟹膏朝下, 同時把醃蟹剩下的汁料一同倒入鍋, 按下煮飯的開關

Place crabs on top of rice and pour the rest of marinate into the rice cooker, click start button

4)      一般用電飯鍋煮飯的時間是20-30分鐘

Normally it takes about 20-30 mins

5)      蒸好後, 別急著打開, 讓米飯再炆10分鐘

Don’t open the rice cooker after its finished, let it simmer for another 10 mins

6)      把蒸好的蟹件先拿出, 再把米飯均勻拌好, 讓每顆米粒都能包著蟹膏蟹汁就完成了

Take out the crabs and mix well the rice, let all the rice stick with the crab roe

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以上是煮婦在小城市沒什麼材料下煮的成品, 當然如果材料充足, 還可以加入蔥粒或芫茜增添香味, 簡簡單單的蒸蟹飯又好吃又可以一解思鄉之愁。

If you have sufficient ingredients, you can also add chopped scallion and cilantro to increase the taste, it’s so easy to cook and can reduce homesickness.

    創作者 煮婦DD 的頭像


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